Water quality today
Nature holds the Key to establishing life on earth.
Water is powerful. It can be beautiful and brutal, cleansing and contaminates, lethal and life-giving. Water is essential to life, yet 748 million people in the world still struggle to find it. It's time to take notice.
Almost a billion people live without clean drinking water. We call this the water crisis. It's a crisis because it only starts with water- but water effects everything in life.
Water is a precious, yet finite resource essential for live, with no adequate substitutes. Supplying and allocating water of adequate quality and in sufficient quantity is one of the major challenges facing society today.
While water covers 71 % of the earth’s surface, less than 1 % of that is accessible fresh water. We must protect our limited fresh water supplies from harmful contaminants. Nonpoint source pollution is the biggest threat to water quality today, meaning that many small actions build into a big problem.
Take a journey through the unusual world that exists beneath a streambed. Called the hyporheic zone, this world of microscopic flora and fauna is vital to the health of rivers around the world. Find out why, and see the slime on streambed pebbles come to life!
Water Pollution
Texas Stream Team with The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment Monofilament Recycling Training Video.
May Hubbub launched the 'Neat Streets' campaign in central London, using the latest thinking of behavior change and awareness raising from around the world to trial a new approach to tackling littering on Villers Street, Westminster.
As much as 70% of marine litter has been estimated to end up on the seabed. Marine debris comes from many land and ocean sources, yet few of us understand that our trash can travel over land, down streams, rivers, and storm drains to the ocean.
Freddy the Fish teaches kids about what happens to rain after it hits the ground, where storm drains lead to, and what we can do to help prevent water pollution.
This short stop motion animation and live action video visualizes just what happens to a cap when you drop it into the gutter.
Water pollution is a familiar topic, where solutions are rarely found. The reasons are usually industrialized and lack of political will. In a world ruled by the power of money, polluting our water sources and driving thousands of animal species to extinction is a less important issue.
Students are debating, asking questions, collecting data, and telling their own powerful stories about how local street litter becomes global toxic marine pollution.
wildlife Protection
Dive into Greenpeace's Oceans campaign and learn how you can help us stop overfishing, end commercial whaling and create worldwide marine reserves.