TOOLKIT Resources

Resources on this page are for Trash Free Texas Coordinators, Local Governments, future Coordinators, and other individuals who are leading trash mitigation efforts in their region.


Coordinators help collect information from all adopt-a programs and partners to provide public, real-time data on adopt-a-spot sites. This helps Trash Free Texas identify and connect volunteers with locations that need to be adopted.

Provides resources to assist local and regional governments, nonprofit organizations, and other entities interested in hosting litter cleanup events. While these resources are designed for a competition-style cleanup, many of them are helpful for planning and implementing standard litter cleanup activities.

Is a consolidation of resources developed to assist local and regional governments, nonprofit organizations, and other entities who are seeking to engage and educate their communities on the topics of watersheds, litter, aquatic debris, and cleanup initiatives.

Provides resources to assist local and regional governments, nonprofit organizations, and other entities interested in hosting recreational driven litter cleanup events such as plogging, plalking, pliking, and pladdling, or creating educational campaigns to encourage these activities.

Whether you are looking to reduce the use of single-use plastics on an individual restaurant level or as a community-wide initiative, this toolkit contains information on strategies for implementing a restaurant certification program, cost-saving and plastic-reducing measures in restaurants, and templates of resources that could be used to promote or implement these strategies.