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Below are frequently asked questions for Coordinators (individuals leading clean-up initiatives) and Volunteers (individuals looking to help with clean-up initiatives). Please be sure to scroll down to the section that applies to you.



The below FAQs are specifically for current or future coordinators.

*Please be aware that the drop-down menus below will automatically collapse after a selection is made.

What role(s) do coordinators serve?

Coordinators serve as the main contact for the adopt-a-spot sites they submit on the Trash Free Texas map. As volunteers use the map as a resource, the coordinator and their contact information are listed on each adopt-a-spot site so volunteers can contact the coordinator directly to adopt the site or reach out for more information. Coordinators decide which sites in their region should be added to the Trash Free Texas map and what guidelines volunteers should follow. Lastly, coordinators should maintain contact with the Trash Free Texas team regarding any adopt-a-spot site updates via the Adopt-A-Spot Data Submittal Form.

Who can be a coordinator?

Anyone wishing to establish cleanup efforts in their region and who can maintain the above responsibilities can be a coordinator. Coordinators are often local government officials but is not limited to any specific group or organization.

How do we download the excel sheet where we enter our data?

The Adopt-A-Spot Data Submittal Form, located on the Become a Coordinator page has a Data Template excel sheet embedded within the form. Click on the link to automatically download the Data Template, or right click and select Open Link in New Tab. The Data Template excel sheet will be in your computer’s download files.

Should I only add sites in my city that are available for adoption, or should I add all my sites including those that are already adopted?

All sites that are available and adopted should be added to the map. This helps paint a picture for the regions that are being maintained and what areas need to be maintained.

What should I take into consideration when creating adopt-a-spot sites for my region?

Trash Free Texas is set up to where coordinators have the flexibility to choose their own adopt-a-spot site locations. However, we ask that coordinators take a few things into consideration when creating adopt-a-spot sites: site safety (parking, accessibility, etc.), and private property. It is important to receive permission from the landowner if private property will be accessed.

What areas qualify as an adopt-a-spot site?

Any location in your region that is known to be high trash area, is safe to access, and where you have permission to access qualifies as a great adopt-a-spot location. Sites can be creeks, roads, highways, rivers, drains, etc.

Is there a minimum or maximum on how many adopt-a-spot sites I have to contribute?

No! We will take however much or however little you have to contribute. The point of the Trash Free Texas program is to map all trash reduction initiatives taking place in the State.

What is the time commitment for adopting a site?

Every program can have their own unique program elements. For example, Fort Worth requires a two-year agreement. However, for your community, you can decide on whatever timeframe you choose.

When we need to update our adopt-a-spots, do we upload a complete replacement file or just the new and changed sites?

You will upload just the sites that need to be edited and note the change you are making, such as adoption status, removal of site, etc. Go to the Adopt-A-Spot Data Submittal Form on the Become a Coordinator page and select the “Revised form” option in the drop-down menu under the Adopt-a-Spot Sites section.

If the organizations adopt a site do they get a sign at the site?

Every program can have their own unique program elements regarding the incentives they provide. For example, San Marcos provides a sign at the site if the adopter(s) clean the site six times within a year's timeframe. However, for your community, you can decide on whatever timeframe you choose, or if no signs will be provided.

Do organizations/adopters get supplies for cleanup events?

Every program can have their own unique program elements regarding the supplies they provide. For example, San Marcos provides supplies for each adopter's cleanup event. However, for your community, you can decide on what supplies you wish to provide, if any.

We want our litter cleanup sites to be available to those who do not live or work in our region. Is this possible?

Absolutely! As a coordinator, interested individuals will reach out to you directly to officially adopt a site. Coordinators officially validate adoption of sites and can decide who can and cannot adopt a site.

Can waterway segments or roadway areas be listed on the map or only single sites?

At this time, we are only taking latitude and longitudes for points/single sites. However, if you have a roadway, water segment, etc. that you want to add to the map, you can add a point/single site that falls within the segment. When potential adopters reach out to you to adopt the site, you can explain to them the boundaries.

Should I add my locations from our city-wide cleanup events?

Absolutely! Most city-wide cleanup events happen on an annual or biannual basis and we encourage these sites be added to the map as well, even if they do not get cleaned up as often. This helps paint a picture for the regions that are being maintained and what areas need to be maintained.

How do I change the contact information for a coordinator?

Send an email to contact@TrashFreeTexas.org with the new contact information and indicate your organization.

Is there an instructional video for adding my sites to the Adopt-a-Spot map?

Yes! Below is a step-by-step video showing you how to add adopt-a-spot sites to the map. For any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at contact@TrashFreeTexas.org.



The below FAQs are specifically for current or future long-term volunteers.

*Please be aware that the drop-down menus below will automatically collapse after a selection is made.

How do I get involved?

We work to connect volunteers to local coordinators operating clean-up initiatives. Our Adopt-A-Spot map has sites available for adoption/cleanup (in teal) throughout the state. The map is interactive so you can click on a point to see the contact information and help with cleanups. Step by step instructions are provided below.
1. Search for a site you wish to adopt
• Zoom in and out of the map to find an area you are interested in adopting.
• Another option is to use the search bar located on the top right corner of the page to search for a specific address or location.

2. See if the site you wish to Adopt is available
• The colored pins you see throughout the map are specific sites you can adopt.
- Teal points indicate a site is open for adoption.
- Purple points indicate a site is adopted.
- Gray points indicate the status of the site can be identified by contacting the coordinator directly.
• If there is a teal point in the area you wish to adopt, select the point and a pop up menu will appear. If there is no spot available (no teal point), please return to Step 1.

3. Get the Contact Information
• Select a teal point, and a popup window will appear. The popup window that appears presents you with information about the site, such as the exact location of a site and the site coordinator who oversees the site, along with their contact info.

4. Contact the Coordinator and get started!
• Contact the site coordinator using the contact info provided. For any additional questions, please contact us at contact@TrashFreeTexas.org

What is the time commitment for adopting a site?

Every program can have their own unique program elements and requirements. Reach out to the coordinator listed for the site you are inquiring about, and they will relay what the site adoption requirements are.

Do organizations get supplies for cleanup events?

Every program can have their own unique program elements regarding the supplies they provide. Reach out to the coordinator listed for the site you are inquiring about and they will relay what supplies, if any, are included.

If organizations adopt a site do they get a sign at the site?

Every program can have their own unique program elements regarding the incentives they provide. For example, San Marcos provides a sign at the site if the adopter(s) clean the site six times within a year's timeframe. Reach out to the coordinator in the region you are interested in to find out what incentives, if any, are available.

Can I join a spot already started by another group?

Yes! Contact the site’s coordinator for more information.

What if I can’t take care of my site anymore?

If you are unable to take care of a site any longer, please contact the site's coordinator. If you do not remember who the contact for your site is, you can locate their contact info on the Adopt-A-Spot Map.